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Aye Chori Collection

"Aye Chori" is an informal phrase in Hindi that is used to address a girl or a woman. The term "Chori" means 'girl' or 'lass' in Hindi, and "Aye" is an informal way to get someone's attention.

Aye Chori was an essential milestone in my artistic journey, marking my initial venture into embracing and exploring my identity as an artist. This collection holds immense significance as it served as the catalyst propelling me into the realm of artistry. It paved the way for who I am today as an artist.

The essence of Aye Chori was to spotlight a side of women often overlooked or disregarded – a side that isn't always deemed conventional or 'proper.' It aimed to break societal norms and celebrate the unapologetic essence of women.


This collection embraced feminism by showcasing that women are multifaceted; we can revel in joy, freedom, and individuality without conforming to societal expectations. It wasn't about diminishing anyone else's perspective or lifestyle but rather about presenting a different narrative. Aye Chori challenged the notion that women should always be poised and conform to certain standards. It encouraged the idea that it's perfectly acceptable to be imperfect, to indulge in life's simple pleasures, to have fun without conforming to traditional ideals of femininity. The collection's message was about empowerment and embracing authenticity – conveying that women can relish in their quirks, have fun, drink from the bottle, and engage in activities deemed unconventional if that's what they desire. It was a celebration of freedom and breaking away from societal constraints.

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