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COurse work- Reach - lesson plans
Module 2
Unit 1: Tomorrow’s teachers
Laws and Policies that Affect Teaching
Unit 2: Student Diversity
Activity 1: Student Data Analysis
Activity 2: Teaching Diverse Students
Unit 3: Students with special needs
Activity 1: Students with Learning Difficulties
Activity 3: The Future of Schooling
Module 3
Unit 1
Activity 3: Students of the Digital age
Unit 2
Activity 2: Differentiated Instruction Strategies
Activity 3: Technology Enhanced Instruction
Unit 4
Activity 1- Design an Educational Game
powerpoint exquisite surealism
Module 4
Unit 2: Planning for clinical practice
Activity 2: First Lesson Plan for Clinical Practice
Standard Presentation
Clinical Practice
Module 5
Unit 1 Designing Assessments
Unit 2 Evaluating Student Performance
Unit 4 Differentiating assessments and communicating results
Activity 1: Designing Differentiated Assessments
Activity 2: Communicating Results to Parents
Unit 1 Climate and culture of the learning environment
Managing Learning Enviroment
Planning For managing Learning Enviroment
Planing for an Inclusive classroom
Template for behavior management
Unit 6 managing challenging student behavior
Disruptive behaviour group activity
Case Study: Disruptive Behvaiour
Module 6
Unit 1 Standards
Activity 1: Unpack a Standard
Activity 2: Backwards Mapping
Unit 2: Unit Planning
Activity 1: Goals and Objectives
Activity 2: Write a Unit Plan
Unit 3: Lesson Planning
Module 7
Unit 1: Setting the stage for clinical practice
Activity 1: Preparing for Clinical Practice
Lesson plan
Baseline Video
Mentor Meeting
Module 6
Activity 3: Designing Formative Assessments
Activity 1: Assessing Project Based Learning
Activity 2: Monitoring and Remediation for Project Based Learning
Activity 1: Write a Lesson Plan
Unit 3 Data Driven Instruction
Activity 1: Response to Intervention
Activity 2: Diagnostic Assessments for Differentiation
Activity 3: Using Assessment Data to Inform Instruction
Unit 4: Differentiating Lessons
Activity 1: Review a Lesson Plan
Module 7
Unit 1 Designing Assessments
Unit 2 Evaluating Student Performance
Module 8
Unit 1: student development (inTASC Standard 1)
Activity 1: Baseline Video and Reflection
Lesson plan
Symbols Presentation
Mentor Meeting
Unit 2: Learning Differences (InTASC Standard 2)
Activity 2: Student Case Study
Activity 2: Standard Lesson
Module 8
Unit 4: Content Knowledge (InTASC Standard 4)
Activity 2: Planning for Leadership and Collaboration
Unit 5: Application of Content (InTASC Standard 5)
Activity 1: InTASC Standard 4 and 5 Video
Lesson plan
Mentor Meeting
Activity 3: Third Student Data Evaluation
Unit 3: Learning Environments (inTASC Standard 3)
Activity 1: InTASC Standards 1, 2 and 3 Video
Lesson plan
Symbols Presentation
Mentor Meeting
Activity 2: Mentor Evaluation for InTASC Standards 1, 2, and 3
Unit 6: Assessment (inTASC Standard 6)
Activity 1: Assessments and Data-Driven Instruction
Unit 8: Instructional strategies (InTASC Standard 8)
Activity 1: InTASC Standard 6, 7 and 8 Video
Lesson plan
Mentor Meeting
For prompt response message @dhikshadesigns on Instagram or Whatsapp +66871145558
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